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một ngày của tôi!

30 thg 5, 2011

Well, today, as well as how the day went for me. I felt today in many things that I have not anything to be. Very confusing to me too simplistic in my thinking would make a better but affordable I do not the.Va I sit here writing up your thoughts and you are here and also share it with me, I feel more comfortable when they speak out!
Perhaps in those days I was not trying my best in everything reasonable, no I did not think so if you can remember that I love or reasonable?Many times I myself have declined, challenging expectations, depressed before the environmental movement, this world .. maybe this has enabled me to thinking: I must do something for all,but I have not enough courage, no confidence ...a day with me it goes by so fast you hear ah! and his father should have more space for the family as anything separate myself. I was through with the examination dates do not have mothers at parties and now I'm all must be independent. I am currently a student with a specialized field of ship engines in the Maritime Hochiminh City., I say these things not to be tasteless, or just remove it from himself that the you are here with me, and listen to these words.Sometimes your emotions just do not? But will be more if you are also in my circumstances.! Myself but also have something to Vietnam's human, people of the resistance anti-colonialism,,,, and I'm here!I myself have let myself be successful but it's hard when you the word out to the world, and I will try out what I would say it comes in buildings that wish!
Let me all happy!

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